Typical hats worn by Amish men |
I don't laugh at these requests as we are constantly asked how to join the Amish. Since we offer a number of trips to Amish communities, we suggested the following before even making a decision:
1. Read books about the Amish. All kinds to learn about their lifestyle. When my travelers visit an Amish community, the Amish speakers make it very clear that there is nothing special about them. And, that they were born into a lifestyle just as we were born into ours. They are quick to point out that the majority of books about the Plain People are incorrect, fairy tales and a writer who has not a clue. They shake their heads and tell me how the stories do not relate to them.
2. Find out what they wear. Buy the kind of clothes they purchase. Wear them. Are you comfortable? There's no designer "Amish by Miller" labels. Remember that these are the kinds of clothing that you would wear everyday. Party dresses? There's social gatherings of course with attendees wearing their regular clothing. Some communities are stricter with attire than others. The garments are quite durable, plain and usually in dark colors to reflect the simple life.
3. Stay at an Amish Bed and Breakfast. Watch how long and hard these people work. Note the cleanliness of the facility. The maid and the housekeeper are generally one in the same, the owner of the lodging facility. Have you noticed that there's no stopping to watch the football game?
4. Amish place God above everything. Is this something you can do? Do you read the Bible now? Can you live according to the Bible? Do you do so now? Do get a copy of a book called "Martyr's Mirror", a highly respected publication that chronicles the history of the Amish people and honors those who died for their faith.
5. Don't use your computer. There are no computers in their homes. Can you unplug? If you live and die by your cell phone ... you've already made your choice. This could be quite the challenge. Try not using your computer for a week. Can you do it?
6. Become a tee-totaler. Yep. They do not kick back with a Bud Lite at the end of the day. More like a lemonade, a book and discussions with family members.
Carefully think about their lifestyle. Ask yourself if you are ready for this kind of cultural immersion. How do you think your friends and family will react?
It's not an easy choice and takes determination and perservance. Don't just think you can do all of the above. The lifestyle is unusual and not easy for us "English" as they call us.
So what's the next step after you do all of the above? Approach a church elder to request admittance into the community. The process is long. Be prepared to do everything you can to show that you are ready. Know that very few non-Amish have succeeded in joining a community. It takes an enormous amount of dedication to step from one lifestyle to another.
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