neighbor's kids have probably been up for hours, as am I typically at 4:30AM, in anticipation of the "Easter Bunny."
Polish ethnic communities are far from me. I say that because those of Polish decent celebrate Easter in a major way with sugar lambs, roasted duck, breads and even a lot of fish. There will be tubes of Kalles caviar -- salted smoked roe -- something impossible to get here in Michigan unless by special order.
In Germany the Easter meal is roast lamb and veggies. In Sweden is poached seafood and chicken along with cheese and "snaps." In Brazil it's salted cod stews, delectable. And in Austria there is a terrific south Tyrolean hash called Groestel, just delish.
Christian countries are celebrating Easter with new and familiar traditions. However, one thing is standard throughout, the Easter Egg symbolizing the newness of the year, of spring of courting. The growing sun, the rebirth and celebrating the warmth are all wrapped up in today along with the beginning of the new religion: Christianity. It changed the world.
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