Maybe it's they way Amish commute: horse and buggy. As an animal lover, that would suit me just fine.
Is it the way they eat? Sure they have chips and snacks. But, for the most part it's pretty darn wholesome. Even their canning is “clean”.
Did you know that Amish women believe in covering their head during the day? Frequently they wear bonnets with ribbons and that is because it is to honor God.
Their lifestyle is so different from ours. While we live such hectic lives, they have a different rhythm. I have great respect for these people because they haven't sold out. They stick to their Old World ways. They worship. They work. Everything they do is a prayer. Is that what we do?
I am Roman Catholic and try to attend daily mass, which is very tough. Yet, these people are always praying. Typically, their churches are in their homes every other week or so. About 5 hours on backless benches, categorically educated by gender, age and marital status. Could you imagine if Catholics had to stay in mass for 5 hours on backless pews? Won't happen at my church as peeps glance at their watches and phones because something else is more powerful – the bing, ding & ring. Why is it so hard to give that hour to God? I seriously doubt if folks would attend mass if it lasted 5 hours! Would I?
Again, clothing does make a difference. Catholic Sisters when dressed in a habit whether modified or Traditional garner so much more respect. Priests sporting Roman collars are frequently seen in Ferndale. It amazes me the nods and requests for blessings that people want from these men in black. Police in their blues really get the best-behavior attention. And when military are in their fatigues or uniforms, we frequently pay for their meals. Yes, clothing does matter. And Amish already know that.
Yeah, the cap, dress and beards show a different kind of respect. Face it. We admire these people because they give it all they've got. And that's what we admire ... elbow grease across the board. We
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