Do you remember hide and seek or going on "treasure hunts" when you were younger. Now you can again! Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. (http://www.geocaching.com/)
Let's go! There's a whole world out there to explore!
Geocaches are everywhere, all you have to do is visit their website and you can start in your area. Once you find all the caches in your surrounding area, you'll want to branch out. You might also want to stash some of your own caches. It's the ULTIMATE game that even the kids can play. Make it a family outing or trip.
If you're a college student and you're taking a road trip, just download the Geocaching App to your phone and you can pick up the hunt anywhere! There are 54 caches just outside my office in a two-mile radius! Imagine the possibilities of your adventures!
Caches can be many different sizes and be hidden everywhere. The site will give you hint where to find it and once you do be sure to sign your name and update on the site when you get a chance!
Here are a few examples of cache locations:
Lovell G. Turnbull Memorial Cache
Hint: The cache was placed in memory of Lovell G. Turnbull. It is a Micro cache in the downtown Ferndale area. This area can be muggle intensive so please use caution when hunting for this cache. Lovell G. Turnbull was the first village president of Ferndale in 1918.
First Date Cache
Hint: This cache is relatively easy to find, grab a treat while you're in the area ;o) *Requires stealth depending on the time of day and the time of year.*
We left this cache in the place where we had our first date.Share where you had your first date. Be as detailed as you please. In the cache is a notebook. We put a pencil and sharpener inside, but bring your own writing utensil, just in case. We also put a bunch of little goodies inside for you to trade out with.
Stop the Press
Hint: Located in fasionable Ferndale this cache is right between two printing shops, so hence the name.Please set back the cache original spot keep out of Mugglers sight.Stealth is need.
Now it's your turn! Visit http://www.geocaching.com/about/default.aspx to learn more and GET STARTED!
Let the adventure begin!