It's always fun to learn something new. To play around with the idea and dynamics of a thing in your mind. But what do you do with it once you think of it? Act on it, of course! What' s your big idea? Where do you want to go? What do you want to see? With a world as vast as ours how could you think that there were only 7 wonders in this world?! :) Did you ever think there could be something exotic, amazing and truly worth seeing in your own state, in your own country? Well, there is and just because you may not be able to afford to travel to Paris, Italy, Brazil or Yemen doesn't mean you can't see some of the world's greatest treasures. Every city, state and small town has treasures too. I don't know about you but it might be cooler to see the "hidden gems."
Travel with Step On Bus Tours to some of the best kept secrets of Michigan.
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