Truly clearing your mind and finding your center takes more than a few deep breaths. You have to remove yourself from the hustle and bustle, take time to meditate, to think, to not think, to be. Finding your center is freedom from whatever weighs you down. Few have perfected freedom of mind like the monks at Saint Gregory's Abbey in Three Rivers, MI.
Experience for yourself a day in the life of the monks at Saint Gregory's Abbey as they worship, work and study. Take the time to follow their daily schedule and join their Matins and Lauds that take place in the Abbey Church for an opportunity to focus on your own freedom.
By spending time at the Abbey you can become centered, focused, and open to your spiritual growth. If you've been feeling weighed down by the world this may be a chance for you to reel it in and renew your peace.
Learn about the confraternity, the non-clergy members of the Abbey who are dedicated to spiritual growth in their lives and the flourishing of the Abbey.
If you'd like to spend time at the Abbey or to learn more call 269-244-5893 between 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 2:15-4:30p.m. Monday thru Saturday. You can also visit http://www.saintgregorysthreerivers.org/
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