Step On Bus Tours


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​Ferndale, MI 48220

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Monday, July 22, 2019

At the sign of the...

Reenactors are very important to society in explaining how people lived, worked and history of the era.

Typically they wear the garb of the day. Compared to the constant influx of new fabrics, the cotton and wool back then
both heated and cooled the body. If woolen gloves got wet for example,  just ring them out and put them on and they'll still do their job. Pretty cool.

Chris, the proprietor of The Sign of the Cross, explained that reenactors must attire themselves as authentically as possible otherwise they could be expelled from the group

Various jewelry ranging in price from $1 up are made of actual materials. He would never use plastic.

Explaining the culture of 1812 is no easy feat.  He loves it and participates in twelve 1812 events every year because he feels compelled. He's driven.

He kind of agreed with me that many reenactors of historic wars and events do so because they haven't completed all of their business when they were alive.  They obviously believe in reincarnation.

If you're ever around a reenactor, strike up a conversation about how they got started. You'll be involved in a fantastic conversation.